2013年2月21日 星期四



其實利用程式買賣,在歐美對冲基金界已非常普遍。例如以跑贏巴菲特、索羅斯等投資大師聞名的美國知名對沖基金Renaissance Technologies、全球最大型對冲基金、於倫敦上市的Man GroupEMG)旗下以程式主導的旗艦基金AHL等等。

筆者瀏覽眾多投資網站時,經常看見一個英文名詞:Market Breadth
網站大至解釋如下:Market Breadth is A technique used in technical analysis that attempts to gauge the direction of the overall market by analyzing the number of companies advancing relative to the number declining. Positive market breadth occurs when more companies are moving higher than are moving lower, and it is used to suggest that the bulls are in control of the momentum. Conversely, a disproportional number of declining securities is used to confirm bearish momentum.

